Our Pest Control Blog

Pest control can be confusing, but we’re here to make things easy. Our blog has expert tips, industry updates, and more—browse below and start learning!

Can a Black Widow Spider Bite Kill Your Dog?

Yes, a black widow spider bite can be dangerous to dogs and may potentially be fatal if left untreated, especially for young dogs or smaller dog breeds. Black widow spiders are venomous and their bites contain a neurotoxin called latrotoxin.

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Norway Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)

The Norway rat is also known as the Brown rat, Gray rat, Sewer rat, Barn rat, Wharf rat, and Water rat. Additionally, because of its large size, it is referred to as the Super Rat or King Rat. The Norway rat originated in Central Asia.

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Ants in Northern California

Ants are among the most common pests in households and other structures. Ants belong to the order Hymenoptera as do bees and wasps. Ants are social insects that live in colonies. Scientists have found supercolonies of the ants in California as well as the rest of the world.

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Black Widow (Latrodectus Hesperus)

The Black Widow spider is also known as the Hourglass Spider and the Shoe Button spider. Black Widows are native to North America.

Various types of Black Widows are found throughout the U.S. Black Widows are placed in the arthropod class Arachnida.

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Roof Rats (Rattus Rattus)

The Roof rat is also known as the Black rat, House rat, Tree rat, and Ship rat. The Roof rat is a native of the forests of Southeast Asia.

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Rodents, such as rats and mice, are among the most successful and adaptable mammals on earth. They have learned to survive and flourish among man. Commensal rodents have poor eyesight, but their other senses, including smell, taste, and touch, are well developed.

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Ants – Superheroes of the Insect World

Did you know Ants are capable of lifting 50 times their body weight with their mandibles. If you had muscles like an ant, you could lift a Hyundai over your head!

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Oriental Cockroaches in Sacramento: The Perfect Storm and How to Fight Back

If you call Sacramento home, you’re well aware of the beauty and diversity of our city. A home full of creeks, lakes, ponds, trees, and summer heat. However, these very characteristics create the ideal breeding ground for oriental roaches.

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Signs of Termites in Sacramento

Sacramento, known for its sunny weather and beautiful landscapes, is also home to a less welcome resident: termites. These tiny, destructive pests can wreak havoc on your home, causing extensive damage that often goes unnoticed until it’s too late.

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